school mental health service

Mitch Anderson - School Mental Health Practioner

Hi, I am MITCH.

Abit about Me


 I’m employed as the Schools Mental Health Practitioner as part of the Schools Mental Health Service.

 I’m a qualified Social Worker with a background in working with youth at risk of homelessness and supporting apprentices with their mental health.

 My role is to provide evidence-based strategies to support young people with their mental health.

Students can elect to participate in 6-8 therapy sessions that will help them to figure what is going on for them, learn some new strategies to help improve their mental health and empower them to cope with the stresses that come along with everyday life.

I’m also here to support the staff with their mental health literacy so any questions they may have, I’m here to help guide those conversations.

 I’m at the school Monday, Thursday and Friday’s.