Governing Council

Bordertown High School Governing Council provides strong leadership around vision, strategy, compliance, risk management and financial sustainability to ensure that the School continues to be a leading South Australian education provider.

What do Governing Council Members do? Governing Council governs. This isn’t the same as managing. It’s more about guiding and setting direction. You don’t work alone when you are on a Council. You and the Site Leader have shared responsibilities. More details can be found at

Areas covered include:

Curriculum–provide advice to the site leader to make sure the curriculum offered meets local community needs

Student Management –consult with the site’s community to assist when policies are made or reviewed

Staff employment –employ canteen staff

Big Picture Planning –work on the site improvement plan and set strategic directions

Finance –review, approve and monitor the site budget

Reporting –endorse the Annual Report and report to the community and the Minister for Education

Vacancies are usually for a two year term, but can be a one year term. Meetings are held twice a term on a Wednesday from 6.30pm.

If you are interested in becoming part of our Governing Council team please contact Alicia Keatley, School Principal or the Governing Council Chairperson.


Chairperson: Kristie Croser
Vice Chairperson: vacant
Treasurer: John  Mock
Secretary: vacant (Melissa Belluzo minutes)

Parent & Community Representatives:
Nick Davies, Natalie Leipold-Brown, Rhyl Opie, Craig Pietsch,

Student Representatives: Aarshi Ghimere
Staff Representatives: Lauren Kirk
Principal: Alicia Keatley